Directions from Oudtshoorn.
- Take the N12 towards De Rust / Beaufort West.
- Approximately 21km's from Oudsthoorn turn left at the 'Oude Muragie' turnoff (gravel road).
- Drive for about 1.8 km's then turn left at Coenraad's Corner.
- You will cross a low concrete bridge over a stream and then get to a T-junction with a house directly in front of you.
- Turn right at the junction.
- Keep left on this road for about 400meters, and you will then see the sign board to Toorfontein next to a road to your right.
- Take this road up to the camp.
Directions from De Rust.
- Take the N12 from De Rust to Oudtshoorn.
- Approximately 2.9km's outside of De Rust turn right at the 'Oude Muragie' turnoff (gravel road).
- Drive for about 1.8 km's then turn left at Coenraad's Corner.
- You will cross a low concrete bridge over a stream and then get to a T-junction with a house directly in front of you.
- Turn right at the junction.
- Keep left on this road for about 400meters, and you will then see the sign board to Toorfontein next to a road to your right.
- Take this road up to the camp.